Fundoplication Surgery for GERD


Fundoplication, is a surgical procedure to treat gastrointestinal conditions such as GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disorder). GERD is a chronic backup of the stomach acid from stomach back into the oesophagus(food pipe)

GERD can affect the muscles which help to move down the food you eat. It also damages the sphincter that closes the opening between the oesophagus & stomach. The surgery of Fundoplication helps to create pressure on lower part of oesophagus thus preventing food & acid from going back from the stomach into the food pipe.

During Laparoscopic fundoplication, the surgeon uses a long & thin surgical tool called laparoscope, which has a camera attached to it. This allows the surgeon to make small incisions, better precision & results faster recovery for the patient. For a fundoplication, the uppermost part of the stomach, called the fundus is taken, and gently wraped and sutured around the lower esophageal sphincter thus increasing the pressure at the lower end of esophagus and making acid reflux less likely.

There are a few different types of fundoplication, based on how many degrees the fundus wraps around the esophageal sphincter.

Types of Fundoplication Surgery for GERD

  • Nissen 360-degree wrap.
  • Toupet 270-degree posterior wrap.
  • Watson anterior 180-degree wrap.
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