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Are you suffering with Constipation ?

Constipation is a symptom. It is one of the most common symptoms for which patients visit the doctor. 2 to 30 percent of the world population and 20 to 40 percent of the old age population is suffering from constipation. Constipation is worrisome when it is associated with blood in the stool, weight loss, new-onset constipation at old age. It can also be caused by serious disease in patients with IBD and a family history of colon cancer.

What is constipation?

Constipation is perceived in a different way by different people. It normally means an inability to completely evacuate stool or difficulty in passing stool many times associated with a hard consistency. Normal stool frequency of a person is 3 times per day to once in 3 days. It is different for children.

Diagnosis and investigation

Constipation has various causes. Most of these are not serious. Slow intestinal activity, Irritable bowel syndrome and pelvic floor dyssynergia being commonest of them. Constipation can be due to systemic diseases like Diabetes, Hypothyroidism, Parkinson’s disease, etc. It can be caused by many drugs.

Colonoscopy is a first-line investigation to rule out serious causes of constipation like cancer. Colonic transit study and anorectal manometry are next investigations. These are recommended by your gastroenterologist as per requirement. Your doctor will tell you which best investigation in your case for proper diagnosis and treatment.


Treatment of constipation many a time is a correction of poor lifestyle if any. Many a times patients require various types of medicines best prescribed by your gastroenterologist.

Physical activity plays an important role and patients are encouraged for good physical activity.30 to 40 minutes of walking/cycling/swimming or running is a good exercise.

Yoga has a specific role in pelvic floor dyssynergia and slow transit constipation. Certain yoga postures help relieve constipation.

Sometimes constipation can lead to complications like anal fissure or piles or fecal impaction.


Prevention is better than cure. High fluid intake is enough to produce 1.5 liters of urine output per day, High fiber intake and regular exercise prevent constipation in a large group of individuals. People should be encouraged to take small breaks if they have prolonged sitting hours at work.
Yoga again plays a very important role in prevention.